*AMAZING* Q: Who is god? Ans: Jesus Q: Is Jesus the son of Mary. A: Yes Q: Who created Mary? A: God. Q: Who is God? A: Jesus Q: Jesus is the begotten son. A: Yes Q: Who is his father? A: God. Q: Who is God? A: Jesus. Q: Jesus is a servant of God. A: Yes Q: Jesus died on the cross? A: Yes Q: Who resurrected him? A: God. Q: Is Jesus a messenger. A: Yes Q: Who sent him? A: God. Q: Who is God? A: Jesus. Q: Did Jesus worship while on earth. A: Yes Q: Whom did he worship? A: God. Q: Who is God? A: Jesus. Q: Did God have a beginning? A: No Q: Then who was born on 25/DEC? A: Jesus. Q: Is Jesus God. A: Yes Q: Where's God? A: In heaven. Q: How many Gods are there in heaven? A: Only one God. Q: Where's Jesus? A: He is seated on the right hand of his father. Q: Then how many are they in heaven? A: Only one God. Q: Then how many seats? A: one Q: where's Jesus? A: Seated next to God. Q: How are they seated on one chair? A: Its only unde...