Assalamu Alaikum Allahamdulillah wa kafa wassalatu wassalamu ala Muhammad Mustapha Islam is the religion of Allah revealed to prophet Muhammad through Angel Jibril for the guidance of the mankind. Allah created man and commands him to follow an instructions, these instructions are set to be the total way of human's life. The only religion in the sight of Allah is Islam, so that the idea of saying a person must be member of one of the Islamic sects is actually miscalculation, misunderstanding, misconception, and totally misguide. WHAT IS SECT? sect by definition means An offshoot of larger religion, a group sharing particular (often unorthodox ) political or religious beliefs. The well renown Islamic scholar Dr. Zakir neik was asked 'between sunni Muslims and shia Muslims which one is correct? the sheikh answered the question by saying "look the Quran there is no sunni or shia in the Quran" a Muslim is one who follow the Quran and authentic hadith, Allah (...