Assalamu Alaikum
Allahamdulillah wa kafa
wassalatu wassalamu ala Muhammad Mustapha
Islam is the religion of Allah revealed to prophet Muhammad through Angel Jibril for the guidance of the mankind.
Allah created man and commands him to follow an instructions, these instructions are set to be the total way of human's life. The only religion in the sight of Allah is Islam, so that the idea of saying a person must be member of one of the Islamic sects is actually miscalculation, misunderstanding, misconception, and totally misguide.
sect by definition means
An offshoot of larger religion, a group sharing particular (often unorthodox ) political or religious beliefs.
The well renown Islamic scholar Dr. Zakir neik was asked 'between sunni Muslims and shia Muslims which one is correct? the sheikh answered the question by saying "look the Quran there is no sunni or shia in the Quran" a Muslim is one who follow the Quran and authentic hadith, Allah (SWA) prohibited the making of sect
Allah said" And hold fast, all of you together to the cable of Allah and do not separate " (Quran 3:103)
a man asked him again between the sunni Muslims and shia Muslims which sect follow Quran and authentic Ahadith? the sheikh replied "who ever follow Quran and authentic Ahadith is a Muslim.
Allah said: "as for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in in the least: their affairs is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all what they did. (Quran 6:159)
And He said:
.....And be not ye among those who jain gods with Allah, - Those who split up their religion and become (mere) sects, - each party rejoicing in that what is with itself. (Quran 30:31-32)
He also said:
"And obey Allah and his messenger; and fall into no disputes, lest ye lost heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere:( Quran 8:46)
If Allah forbids us to disputes and break up into sects
It is sunnah of Allah if He proscribed you something he will provide alternative lest he leave you in vain and to cut up your excuses
Allah said:
"None of our revelation abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but we substitute something better or similar: knowest thou not hath power over all things? (Quran 6:106)
So Allah blessed us with religion of Ibrahim (KHANIFA), the religion of Islam in which Allah will not accept any religion apart from It,
Allah said:
"the religion before Allah is Islam:(Quran 3:19)
He also said
"If any one desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost(all spiritual good). (Quran 3:85)
All those that follow the religion of Islam are called in the Quran Muslims (no sunni or shi ites )
Allah said:
"......he has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties in the religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He who has named you Muslims both before and in this (Revelation), that a messenger may be a witness for you and ye be witnesses for mankind!....."(Quran 22:78)
I will conclude which the words of well renowned Islamic schoolar Al Sheikh Mohammad Auwal Albany Zaria may Allah forgive all his sins and grant him Jannatul Fiddausi Amin He said:
"If in the grave Angels ask you what is your religion if you say
Izala wuta(You will go to Hell)
Shia Wuta(you will go to Hell)
Dariqa Wuta (you will go to Hell)
Salafiyya Wuta(you will go to He'll)
your Answer must only be ISLAM
Allahamdulillah wa kafa
wassalatu wassalamu ala Muhammad Mustapha
Islam is the religion of Allah revealed to prophet Muhammad through Angel Jibril for the guidance of the mankind.
Allah created man and commands him to follow an instructions, these instructions are set to be the total way of human's life. The only religion in the sight of Allah is Islam, so that the idea of saying a person must be member of one of the Islamic sects is actually miscalculation, misunderstanding, misconception, and totally misguide.
sect by definition means
An offshoot of larger religion, a group sharing particular (often unorthodox ) political or religious beliefs.
The well renown Islamic scholar Dr. Zakir neik was asked 'between sunni Muslims and shia Muslims which one is correct? the sheikh answered the question by saying "look the Quran there is no sunni or shia in the Quran" a Muslim is one who follow the Quran and authentic hadith, Allah (SWA) prohibited the making of sect
Allah said" And hold fast, all of you together to the cable of Allah and do not separate " (Quran 3:103)
a man asked him again between the sunni Muslims and shia Muslims which sect follow Quran and authentic Ahadith? the sheikh replied "who ever follow Quran and authentic Ahadith is a Muslim.
Allah said: "as for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in in the least: their affairs is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all what they did. (Quran 6:159)
And He said:
.....And be not ye among those who jain gods with Allah, - Those who split up their religion and become (mere) sects, - each party rejoicing in that what is with itself. (Quran 30:31-32)
He also said:
"And obey Allah and his messenger; and fall into no disputes, lest ye lost heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere:( Quran 8:46)
If Allah forbids us to disputes and break up into sects
It is sunnah of Allah if He proscribed you something he will provide alternative lest he leave you in vain and to cut up your excuses
Allah said:
"None of our revelation abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but we substitute something better or similar: knowest thou not hath power over all things? (Quran 6:106)
So Allah blessed us with religion of Ibrahim (KHANIFA), the religion of Islam in which Allah will not accept any religion apart from It,
Allah said:
"the religion before Allah is Islam:(Quran 3:19)
He also said
"If any one desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost(all spiritual good). (Quran 3:85)
All those that follow the religion of Islam are called in the Quran Muslims (no sunni or shi ites )
Allah said:
"......he has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties in the religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He who has named you Muslims both before and in this (Revelation), that a messenger may be a witness for you and ye be witnesses for mankind!....."(Quran 22:78)
I will conclude which the words of well renowned Islamic schoolar Al Sheikh Mohammad Auwal Albany Zaria may Allah forgive all his sins and grant him Jannatul Fiddausi Amin He said:
"If in the grave Angels ask you what is your religion if you say
Izala wuta(You will go to Hell)
Shia Wuta(you will go to Hell)
Dariqa Wuta (you will go to Hell)
Salafiyya Wuta(you will go to He'll)
your Answer must only be ISLAM
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